Why Are Routine Cleanings & Exams Important?

woman getting a routine dental cleaning and exam

Brushing and flossing your teeth is an essential part of providing preventive care to your oral health. This daily care routine done from the comfort of your home is easy to follow. However, routine cleanings and exams at our dental office help take preventive care for your oral health a step further, leaving you with a more happy, healthy, and beautiful smile.

How Often Should I Get a Routine Cleaning & Exam?

The American Dental Association recommends routine cleaning and exams every six months. When scheduled between this time frame, routine cleanings and exams turn out to happen twice a year.

While this is a guideline used to maintain or enhance the status of your oral health, your dentist may increase or recommend a different frequency that is dependent on your current oral health and oral health history.

What Happens During a Routine Cleaning & Exam?

When you arrive for your routine cleaning and exam appointment, our friendly team will greet you and have you fill out any necessary paperwork. You’ll then be called shortly and taken into the exam room.

We’ll make sure you’re set up comfortably and perform any dental x-rays necessary. Our dentist will then examine your teeth and gums, and lastly, our hygienist will clean your teeth.

You’ll also have the option to receive fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a coating that can help fight decay by coating your teeth for more resistance against acid, sugar, or bacteria in the mouth.

Benefits of Routine Cleanings & Exams

Routine Cleanings and Exams are critical in maintaining your oral health and preventing it from deteriorating. Routine cleanings and exams not only care for your teeth but also your gums and facial function. Wondering what benefits a routine cleaning and exam has?

  • Cavity detection
  • Oral cancer detection
  • Gum health inspection
  • Tooth decay prevention
  • Fluoride protection

Routine Cleanings & Exams at Parkside Family Dental

Is it time for your routine cleaning and exam? Contact our office to get set up with your appointment today. We’re also happy to offer our restorative services should a dental problem be detected during your visit.

Contact us for all of your oral health issues & questions!

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